Friday, 20 May 2016

How to Prepare for 100 Marks PPSC/FPSC Tests.

How to Prepare for 100 Marks PPSC/FPSC Tests.

Dear Fellows! Seeking a respectable job and developing an envious career  today is the chief concern of our youth. The way, jobs are distributed among favorites who either have reference or carry heavy amount to pay as gratification , the only option left for competent and deserving aspirants remains trying their luck through Federal and Provincial Public Service Commissions where a greater level of transparency and merit are ensured. 

For a good number of jobs advertised through Federal and Provincial Public Service Commissions  , the written test consists of 100 marks General Knowledge based paper of MCQs. The 100 marks generaly are further divided into 

  1. GK
  2. Islamic Studies
  3. Pakistan Studies
  4. General Science  
  5. Basic Arithmetic  
  6. English. 
While in the tests conducted by PPSC in edition to these there is a portion of Urdu also. 

Now the question arises from where to prepare for these tests. Based on my personal experience of qualifying numerous PPSC & FPSC tests and after having observed the methods of various other successful friends, I have come to a finding that for making an effective preparation for these 100 Marks GK based  tests, the Carvan Publishers' book by Ahmad Najeeb proves highly instrumental in making preparation potent enough to perform better. There are reasons for this convictions. First of all , this books covers almost all the areas from which the questions may be basked in these tests.  Secondly, though there are certain other good Books of GK MCQs also available in the market which have the same contents and scheme , however, they are replete with errors and mistakes . While,   this book owing to its far less number of errors and mistakes distinguishes it from those other books in the market.

More importantly , in addition to this, now-a-days, preparing the recent past papers  conducted by Public Service Commissions are proving to be a panacea. In this regard for the preparation of PPSC tests , Imtiaz shahid's book of solved PPSC tests and for FPSC tests, Mr.  Subhan's book of FPSC past tests have now assumed the status of a compulsory read. 

These books of past papers prove their worth at two levels.

Firstly, A good number of questions get repeated in these tests and one finds oneself in a highly comfortable position in the paper when one comes across those questions being repeated.

Secondly, Remember , General knowledge is a vast subject and one is helpless to prepare that all. In this scenario ,these past papers provide you an idea as what trends were going on in the Public service Commission tests and what areas were  to be focused and prepared on priority. I would like to elaborate the point with the example of  a personal experience . 
For instance, in one of the test the question was asked where   King Akbar was buried.
Now first of all this question may get repeated and has already   been repeated quite a good number of times
Secondly, it gives an idea that in the upcoming test they may ask about some other Mughal or Muslim King's place of birth or burial. Now, one may find from books or may search from internet as where remaining famous Mughal Emperors and Slateen e Delhi were born and are buried. I did the same and in the next test I came across which I came across carried three questions regarding Mughal Emperors. This is just a single example to illustrate the idea.  In this way, by following past papers not only one brightens the chances of finding those questions getting repeated in the paper , but more importantly one starts anticipating the expected questions and the trends being followed. 

Even one is better placed to get more benefits from the book of Ahmad Najeeb after one has gone through the book of past papers. As only then one is abreast of the fact that what portions are to be prepared on priority and which areas may be skipped.  

Another important thing about Imtiaz Shahid's book of past papers  is that it contains a section carrying most important questions regarding Urdu which one doesnt find in Ahmad Najeeb's book and which are being asked in PPSC Tests .

That is how, in my opinion, one may brighten one's prospects of performing impressive in such tests. And this is not mere rhetoric. I myself have followed this technique and I was able to qualify numerous tests including the test of Assistant Director Civil Defense through PPSC where the merit went to hit 90 marks. 
Regarding , How to Prepare for Interview , read the following post.
I wish all the aspirants good luck.
Questions and Queries are highly welcomed .

Assistant Director Anti-Corruption
Ex- Assistant Director Civil Defence

Thursday, 19 May 2016

How to Prepare for an Interview.

How to Prepare for an Interview.

By: Tasawar Bosal
Assistant Director Anti - Corruption.

Dear Fellows!
                       Interview plays a highly significant role in one's selection. Whether the job be through PPSC, FPSC or through Departmental Selection Process, interview always proves to be a determining factor in final recommendation. Except for CSS and PMS in almost rest of the recruitments, most of the times, interview possesses more marks and weight than the written examination. For instance, traditionally for a PPSC job, the written test has the share of 50 marks in final selection, while an interview carries 100 marks. While , generally in FPSC interview is of 200 marks and written test possess 100 marks 

On the basis of my personal experience and observation, here, I am going to share what in my opinion needs to be prepared for an interview. My analysis is based on my first hand experience which I obtained by appearing in one CSS interview, two PMS interviews, few PPSC/FPSC interviews, including the interviews for Assistant Director Intelligence Bureau,  Assistant Director Anti-Corruption , Assistant Director Civil Defense, Labor Officer, Labor Inspector, Excise Inspector, YPIP interview in State Bank of Pakistan and interview for Assistant’s post in Foreign Office . Besides this, I got the privilege of listening to CSS/PMS/PPSC/FPSC interview experiences of few successful friends.

Fellows! In an interview mere one's knowledge is not examined, rather one's personality, eagerness for the job and one's  communication skills are also kept in observation along with one's confidence. However, as well as confidence is concerned, if one has prepared the areas explained below convincingly, and one's communication skills and expression are good , confidence creeps in by itself automatically.

The very first impression is created by the appearance. Therefore one should be formally dressed . Next, greeting the panel in a decent, confident and a civilized manners creates an impact and makes the conditions favorable further for the candidate and leads to a good beginning .

As well as PPSC and FPSC interviews are concerned broadly speaking, the following are the broader areas which usually come under discussion in these interviews.

1- Introduction

2- Domicile District Profile.

3- Qualification Related Questions, Largely regarding subjects in graduation and Masters, Particularly about the Major subject in one’s final degree.

4- Job Nature and Department Related Questions.

5- Opinion and Information on Contemporary Issues.

6- General Knowledge based Quiz Type Questions mostly from Pakistan Studies and Islamic Studies.

Here I briefly explain these areas one by one.

1 - Introduction.

After the formal greetings, the FPSC/PPSC member who is presiding over the interview panel usually asks the candidate to introduce himself with the Panel.
Introduction should be brief and precise but comprehensive at the same time and presented in such a way as it generates an interest of the panel in the candidate.  Remember both content and presentation matter here. Attracting the interest of the panel is highly important. For capturing the interest of the panel, don't forget to mention any of your specialty, distinction or achievement which may distinguish you from others and catch interest of the panel. For instance when I have to introduce myself, in order to attract the interest of the panel , I particularly mention my specialty that often my writings on socio-political issues find space in mainstream English Newspapers like Dawn , The News , The Nation and The Express Tribune etc. Besides that , my Article also made its place in World Times Magazine and I have my blog where all of my writings published in English Newspapers ,I have gathered on one palace . Now this is most likely to catch the interest of the panel and they may start asking about my writings and about which I definitely can answer impressively. My whole of the Interview of Assistant Director Civil Defense revolved round one of my writing which was published in The News and this proved instrumental in getting me selected  as Assistant Director Civil Defence . Complete story of my A.D Civil Defense Interview can be read by clicking on the underlined. It also contains the specimen how I introduced myself in that interview. Even in my interview of Assistant Director Anti Corruption the panel was impressed when I told about my writings and here also I was able to get selected.
Secondly, I always tell my achievements that I qualified CSS once and PMS twice. Qualifying CSS and PMS , where on one hand speaks about a sort of achievement and signals towards competence ,on the other it tells about the struggle also which I have been making and that also not bad one. Now, they may ask questions on these also which obviously one can answer comprehensively. Like in my interviews, I have been asked about my CSS/PMS subjects and about my experience which I have always been answering comfortably . 

2- District Profile

Now the second phase is knowledge about one's district. They usually ask about famous personalities who hailed from your village or area or the district who made their mark on national or international arena. Besides that, they also ask about the famous or historic places in that District. Moreover, they also are expected to ask what is the history of the city, how it has been named and what are other popular and interesting facts about the District. For example in my district Alexander fought against Prince Porus and Second Anglo-Sikh War was also fought here. Secondly, it has been named after A Saint Bahauddin and it got the status of District in 1993. Moreover, one of the famous Personalities of my districts is acclaimed Writer and TV Host, Mustansar Hussain Tarar. So, one has to be cognizant of this sort of facts about one’s district. I have been asked all these things in my various interviews including CSS Interview and the Interview for the post of Assistant Director Anti- Corruption which I am currently holding  . 

3- Academic Background 

 Another area about which the panel mostly never forgets to  ask Questions is one's  your academic background ,particularly the final degree. In each and every interview I appeared , I have been asked questions on literature as I have both my Graduation and Masters in English Literature. Especially those who have degrees in Literature, History, Social work, Pol Science etc or Law, they are definitely asked questions about their subjects as everyone in the reverend panel usually possesses the knowledge of the basics of these disciplines. However, a good thing is that usually the questions asked are not very in depth ones, but sort of popular questions about the subjects. But still one needs to be prepared for every sort of the questions as the members of the panels have the discretion to ask anything.

4- Info Regarding Nature of Job and the Department
The most important portion of the interview comes next. In interview panel including Member PPSC/FPSC, who is presiding over the interview, there are three to four members in total. One of the members is the person from that department for which the job you have applied for. To win the job one needs specially to answer the questions of that person satisfactorily. For that, it is very necessary that one knows about the department and about the nature of the job. One, if is cognizant of the challenges faced by that department and reforms which one feels are needed to be incorporated, and presents all this in a lucid and precise manner, one can brighten one's prospect of getting selected. For example I appeared in an interview for the job of Labor officer in PPSC. I should have known what labor officer's nature of the job and duty is, what he has to do, and what generally the  Labor department has been made for. What are labor laws and what is I. L. O. However, I didn't prepare even a single of these. This blunder proved fatal for me. In one of my PPSC interview for Information Officer BS 17 (Planning and Development Department Punjab), when the member asked about the department and I was blank, he remarked that Gentleman is this your level of seriousness that you have come here for the interview of a 17 grade job and you have not bothered to collect even the basic information about the department? I was not selected. But I learned a good lesson. While at the time of my Interview of Assistant Director Anti Corruption, I answered the questions on this area properly and I was suggested some reforms also and resultantly I now have been selected as Assistant Director Anti-Corruption. I have keenly observed that If one performs satisfactory in this part, there are abundant chances that one may get enviable marks in Interview. Importantly, this also speaks volume for your keen interest in the job you are seeking and this leads to a favorable result for you. Preparing this section isn't a tough task. One may find all the basics regarding that department from the website of that department , very conveniently. Secondly , one should make a visit of some regional office of that department and discuss with some person working in the department regarding the nature of the job , what qualities are required for that post and what improvements are needed to be brought in the working of the department  . With these three simple steps , one may certainly put an impressive performance and may steal the show.

5- Opinion on National and International Current Issues.

Now they may also ask questions about current affairs or contemporary national or international issues. One is not expected to have a detailed knowledge of these affairs. However, one requires be abreast of the basic info regarding these matters. Beware; when they are seeking your opinion about an issue or matter, it better should be genuinely your personal opinion. One more thing is very important that you must not skip such questions and you should necessarily give your thoughts. However, if the question is regarding checking your knowledge or information you may skip by saying sorry in a polite and decent fashion . But where your opinion is sought , you need to provide that and you need to try your best not to skip opinion based question by saying sorry. 

6- Quiz Type General Knowledge Questions

Sixthly, they may ask Quiz type questions about Pakistan Studies and Islamic Studies. Like who were the members of Boundary Commission. When constitution was first abrogated. Who is the First Mujaddad. These quiz type questions may be skipped by saying sorry as one is not supposed to know each and everything.  On your answering, they may ask your opinion also. For instance, when you are able to answer the names of the members of Boundary Commission, they may ask further that whether the demarcation of Boundary Commission was based on facts ? I would again say that always respond compulsorily to the opinion based questions while you may say sorry on quiz type questions.

Usually here the interview ends.

Note: Let me make it clear that these are the broader areas which are mostly discussed in the interviews. However, the order of asking questions on these broader areas may be changed. Secondly, where in most of the interviews , the panel remains restricted to these areas,  it is not necessary that they would follow this scheme always. However, for appropriate preparation of the interview, one must prepare these areas necessarily on priority basis.
Questions and Queries are highly welcomed. .  

Best of Luck to All of You
Regards : Tasawar Bosal
Assistant Director Anti - Corruption.
Ex- Assistant Director Civil Defense . 

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

How To Enhance Command Over English Language Written Expression Skills.

How To Enhance Command Over English Language Written Expression Skills.

English Language plays a highly significant role in our academic as well as daily life. Be that some student preparing for a competitive exam of the stature of CSS, or going through one’s preparation for other academic activities , always confronts with the issue of improving and enhancing one’s English Language writing skills in order to perform better. That’s why there prevails a curiosity among the students as how to improve one's command over English Language. As I went through the same scenario, here I am going to share my observation and experience regarding bringing improvement in one’s English Language expression and communication skills. The post is more relevant to CSS/PMS and other competitive exams’ Aspirants.  

To start with, the maxim “Practice brings perfection “does not prove more true to anything else, than to developing a sound and impressive language expression skills. Practice and only the practice is the panacea. Now the question arises that what to practice and from where to practice? The answer is that one needs to read standard and impressive English language which one may keep in consideration while having the practice. And for the Standard English Language expression we have in the form of Dawn Newspaper an impressive specimen for us. Almost all the aspirants necessarily need to read this newspaper, often termed as the bible of the CSS. However, simply reading a newspaper brings about little improvement both in knowledge as well as in improving language and enriching expression. Therefore, it is highly recommended that after having read the newspaper one needs to have writing practice and make use of that vocabulary and those expressions which one has read in newspapers. Only in this way one can make those words and expressions, one’s own and that too for ever. Otherwise, the words read and expressions liked, would get lost in oblivion and investment of time and energy in reading Dawn would prove to be a futile effort.

 Besides rewriting the things from the newspaper, expansion of phrases or writing anything else i.e about anything from daily routine is also a good exercise.  So, either rewrite the things from the newspaper or write something else for improving your language, the important thing is that something needs to be written and that too on daily basis. But I would again reiterate that if you write informative and important  things from the newspapers, not only your language expression would be enriched but also you would have consolidated what you have read. And in this way you also can keep the record of important events and information, in your own words.

Mark my words; mere reading the newspaper is far bigger investment of time and energy than the gains what one gets. Therefore, necessarily, make the writing practice as your habit and that too with consistency as it is destined to prove a panacea for developing a sound and impressive writing expression.

To conclude, yes it would demand investment of time and energy and yes it seems to be a time taking process , but here is no other short cut to improving the English language expression overnight. Without a good quantity of practice one is never able to develop an impressive and correct command over a language. Therefore, there is no way out except for doing writing practice. And rewriting the things from the newspaper provides a better exercise, where one can make use of the vocabulary and expressions which one had read in the newspaper. In this way, on one hand one's grip on language gets strengthened and on the other hand one also keeps on collecting notes of important events and happenings which proves instrumental in the preparation of Current Affairs as well as the the English Essay.

How To Start Preparation For CSS/PMS .

How To Start Preparation For CSS.

Dear fellows! There prevails an ambiguity among the beginners as how to start the preparation for CSS. The aspirants keep wasting time in the quest of seeking information about the initial steps and keep delaying taking the appropriate initiative owing to confusion and lack of adequate guidance. Here I am going to share my personal experience with the intention of helping the new aspirants.

My Dears! After having decided firmly to go for this prestigious exam of CSS and having made up mind to invest time and energy in realizing the dream of becoming a CSP , the first step one has to take is to decide the optional subjects. Selection of an effective and a sound subject combination is one of the most important rungs in the ladder to success in this esteemed competitive exam. While finalizing the combination, one has to consider the following three factors:
  1. One's Academic Background.
  2. One's Aptitude and Interests.
  3. The scoring trend. ( Though it is debatable issue whether scoring trend is a myth or reality. However, I believe in its being a reality. )
Remember, one has to spend a considerable amount of time with those subjects one has opted for. That’s why one must be cognizant of the fact that one should take those subjects with which one may spend time without losing interest and without getting fed up. For this , while finalizing the combination , the first two factors need to be kept supreme. And where one comes across two subjects for which one has equal aptitude and which have equal relevance to one's academic background , there one needs to decide on the basis of scoring trend. 
After having selected a better combination of the optional subjects, one needs to search for effective and standard books, notes and relevant study material for the preparation of both elective and compulsory subjects. In this regard, the experience of experienced seniors, subject specialists and CSPz needs to be sought. Try not to resort to  notes and study material readily available in the market  , rather spend some time on discovering quality material which may distinguish your answers from those of others. 

Now when this step also has been taken, one confronts even bigger confusion as from where to take the start.
Well my personal experience suggests that one should start from one optional and one elective subject simultaneously. Set your time table in a way that you can give time to both.
Secondly, and most importantly,  it is an established fact that CSS is more an exam of better English Expression.  More then 90 % who remain unsuccessful to qualify for interview, fail in English Essay or Composition. Besides this, in all other compulsory as well as optional papers also, impressive and  sound English expression, speaks volume for one's maturity and potential and attracts the examiner’s attention. Therefore, for bringing an improvement in one’s English Language expression and for preparation of English Essay & Composition  as subject for CSS , English needs to be given time on daily basis.

Regarding improving one’s command over English Language, reading an English newspaper, preferably Dawn , is necessarily needed to be made a habit. Not only it would bring improvement in English expression but also will equip you with knowledge and material regarding current happenings which would be extremely instrumental in the convincing preparation of Essay, C.A, and P.A as well as for Islamic Studies compulsory. As well as enhancing one's command over English Language is concerned , read the following article of mine also . How to Improve Command over English Language ?

Another important thing I would like to advocate is that I believe the CSS aspirants  better need to start from the easier subjects, so that they don’t lose interest in beginning.
In this regard from compulsory subjects one can start from Islamic Studies or Pak Affairs. The reason is very simple that we all have the basic knowledge of both of these subjects. And we feel quite comfortable while preparing those things with which we already are familiar with.  And as I said earlier that one should start one compulsory and one elective subject simultaneously. Therefore, the elective or optional subject from which we have to take the start should be the one of which we have background or for which we have relatively better aptitude and better level of interest . Like if someone has Masters in Mass Com and has Journalism as one of his electives, he should start from it. Or if someone has opted some history subject and has general interest or aptitude for history, then one should go with that for taking the start. Or if one has better aptitude for some particular language, one needs to start from that. In short, one needs to keep going with one elective and one compulsory subject at the same time. And along with these the exercise for evolving an impressive and correct English Language expression and the preparation of English as a subject has to be given time on daily basis.

As well as joining an academy is concerned, I do not deem it appropriate that one needs to spend time, energy and money if one has the basic guidance available. And in today’s age of Social Media usually such guidance is just a mouse click away.  However, joining some specialist or experienced teacher for some particular subject’s preparation is highly recommended.  If  one is insistent upon joining an academy, I reckon, one may think of joining an academy for basic guidance only. But after that basic guidance is obtained, going academies is more a waste of time energy and money. If one already has basic knowledge of the requirements of CSS, has chosen a sound subject combination and has got good and relevant books of the subjects, one should refrain from joining any academy. Regarding How to Prepare for CSS/PMS or PPSC/FPSC Interview, read the following post. How to Prepare for an Interview ?

Tasawar Bosal 
Assistant Director Anti Corruption