Published in English Daily, Pakistan Observers.
has always been the most cruel and deadly month for Pakistan. It dismembered
Pakistan in 1971, deprived us of a genuine, learned and enlightened leader,
Benazir Bhutto in 2007 and now it has befallen upon us the worst human tragedy.
Words fail to express the grief on this heinous barbarism perpetrated on
innocent school children and tongue and heart seize to produce words of
certainly not only is a national but a human tragedy and December 16 would
always be remembered as one of the darkest of the darkest days in the history
of mankind. There should be no doubts left that terrorism and extremism are the
existentialist threat to our survival, the most pressing and formidable
challenge we are faced with and are the canker eating into the very vitals of
our society.
incident is a stark reminder to the fact that we as a nation immediately need
to recognize our actual foe, shun our differences, realize the sensitivity of
the challenges we are confronted with, come on one page and throw away the
apologetic attitudes towards those monsters which are not sparing our innocent
children either.
is high time all the stakeholders, be that political elite, security
establishment, civil society, media or intelligentsia, revisit their
priorities. Otherwise it would be too late and beyond getting corrected. Both
the government and opposition are requested to forge a consensus and stand by
the security apparatus to shutdown this barbarism to safeguard and rebuild
Pakistan, if their claim of rebuilding Pakistan is not mere a rhetoric aimed at
gaining political mileage.
Pakistan Observer
19, 2014.
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